Contributions by Aaron Thier

Aaron Thier is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in The Nation and The New Republic. His first novel, Studies in Paradise, will be published by Bloomsbury in 2014. He and his wife, the poet Sarah Trudgeon, live in north Florida. He has lately been astonished by Martin Adan’s The Cardboard House, just out in a new translation by Katherine Silver, and carries a copy of Márquez’ Autumn of the Patriarch wherever he goes. He does not need to carry his Borges with him, however, because Borges is with him always.


Published on May 24th of 2013 by Aaron Thier and Guido Herzovich in Fiction.

Aaron Thier

Perhaps one discovers the Aberdeen Bestiary in a moment of idleness. Perhaps while searching, as sometimes one must, for descriptions of carnal love between sailors and mermaids. Perhaps on an afternoon of driving rain, the sky rolling like surf, the palm trees tossing their heads, disoriented pelicans sailing past the windows.

How interesting, then, to learn that pelicans typically kill their young and that, having done so, they open up a gash on their own flank and let the blood run over the dead chicks, which brings them back to life. And how interesting to learn that the pelican, with its clumsy prehistoric appearance, is by no means the most peculiar of birds. The bat, for instance, is the only bird with teeth, and bees, the smallest of all birds, are twice as fertile as any … Read More »

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