Contributions by Fernando Montes Vera

Fernando Montes Vera is an Argentinian writer and linguist. He has taught Spanish and Academic writing in universities both in the US and his home country. Currently, he teaches at a federal prison through the University of Buenos Aires, where he also works as a researcher and translator for the Analysis of mass media languages and Sociolinguistics courses. His first novel, The Reed College Massacre (Dakota novel award, 2012), narrates a journey to U.S. academia within the theoretical and methodological framework of a mass shooting. As a reader and spectator, he feels inspired by the theatrical work of Maruja Bustamante and the poetry of Diego de Aduriz. He looks forward to translating their works in the future. (Photo: Paula Salischiker)

The Turtle & the Fox

Published on June 29th of 2013 by Debora Kuan and Fernando Montes Vera in Essays.

Debora Kuan

 Take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again.
-Shakespeare, Hamlet

My first encounter with my colleague Ivan Fox’s house in Trenton was a small, late-summer dinner party. It was a balmy dusk. Another coworker, who lived a few blocks away from me in Princeton, picked me up at my apartment. As we drove, the ivy-swathed Gothic architecture and Tudor storefronts of our university town gradually gave way to stucco municipal buildings, one-room churches, chain-link fences, hand-painted signs, and rundown Victorian residences. On Ivan’s street, a group of black teenaged boys were standing in the road; they peered at us through the windshield, and then parted to let our car through.

The house stood at the corner of an intersection with a dead-end street, one side of it almost completely obscured … Read More »

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