Contributions by Rosario Hubert

Rosario Hubert is currently completing her PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures at Harvard University, where she teaches Portuguese as well as literature courses. Her dissertation, “Disorientations,” focuses on representations of China and Japan in Latin American culture and explores the intersections between travel narratives, ideas of exoticism, and world literature. She has translated Daniel Galera and Clarice Lispector and plans to translate Paulo Scott and André Sant'Anna. She would love to translate Bernardo Carvalho and Zadie Smith and hopes to be able to translate something by Lu Xun.

Natanael’s Notebook

Published on May 15th of 2013 by Veronica Stigger, Rosario Hubert, Ramon Stern and Chris Meade in Fiction.

Veronica Stigger
translated by Ramon Stern and Chris Meade

Opalka entered the small room in his son Natanael’s house and walked to the window, under which was a square wooden table, one of its sides pressed against the wall. On top of the table was a legal pad with a hard red cover, closed, a pot of ink—also red—and a pen. He sat down on the straw chair and opened the journal, where the following had been written:

Making an old book
a book of voyages
with pages that unfold

The story will start in a big city
—in a metropolis—
or by the sea

It will be the story of a lone man
an old man
a tired man

The man will be about sixty years old
wear a three-piece suit and two-tone shoes
and he’ll have a chimpanzee

His chimpanzee will be huge
the same size as my character
tall and … Read More »

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