Contributions by Stéphane Chaumet
Stéphane Chaumet was born in Dunkerque, France. He has lived in the United States, Mexico, Syria, and China. He has published a novel entitled Même pour ne pas vaincre, a collection of short stories called Au bonheur des voiles, and four books of poems. He has also translated several poets from Latin America (Alberto Blanco, Myriam Montoya, Pura López Colomé, Natalia Litvinova...) and Spain (Leopoldo M. Panero, Olvido García Valdés...) into French, along with the German poet Hilde Domin and the Persian poet Forough Farrokhzad. He has a blog for his translations.Natalia Litvinova
translated by Andrés Alfaro
My voice seems not to come from me but rather from another throat
buried within the depths of my own.
I am like a collection of walls surrounding what I am.
Someone must have built this great wall.
If there are men who fly like feathers, why can I not
move when I move? I smell of stone and dust,
I wear the traces of those who touch me.
I am dust, stone. I do not know who my father is.
* *
I whisper to the birds: leave my poems, feast on my snow.
I whisper to the snow: get out of my poems,
dig in, taste the birds’ eggs.
Birds’ eggs take wing.
Do not let the shell of stillness devour you.
* *
Balthus’ desire was never realized. The white of the
girl’s underwear brought back … Read More »